Continuum XFP #18

New When user answers are cleared down by data retention policies, the data in the related PayBridge order is now also removed.

Update 'All Questions/Answers' variable now use checkbox/dropdown/radio button labels instead of values.

Update Improved CRM schema mappings interface to allow non-required fields to be left empty.

Update Improved ordering of LLPG records in Postcode Lookup Integrated Component.

Update Changed floating point validation to accept whole numbers as well as floating point values.

Fix Fixed an issue with Integrated Components in the 'All Questions/Answers' placeholder, where the value of the user selected answer was output instead of the label.

Fix Fixed an issue within internal forms where checkbox and radio button values within tables were not being retained when navigating between pages.

Fix Solved an issue which stopped calculations evaluating on page load in certain circumstances.

Fix Fixed an issue where using pageNumber=1 in a form URL did not take the user to the expected page.

Fix Fixed an issue which could lead to internal-only forms being displayed in the front-end forms list view under certain circumstances.

Fix Solved Applied Categories issue that caused forms to display on the /forms page when they should be hidden.

Fix Fixed an issue within internal forms where clicking on calculate and navigating between pages would break the page path.

Fix Fixed an issue where blank checkboxes and radio button questions evaluate to -1 in calculations.

Fix Fixed an issue affecting dashboard reporting. Selecting 'Previous 7 days' now returns results for only the last 7 days.

CMS dependency

Minimum CMS version required is


Continuum XFP #18 Patch