Continuum XFP #28

Forms widget improvements and compatibility with Continuum CMS #34

This release:

New Adds links to the user form archive and user form details pages for accessing CXM updates (front-end change).

Update Displays a banner on internal forms to notify Administrators when a submission is being made on behalf of a front-end user.

Update Improves the presentation of Submitted and Unsubmitted forms on the My Account Forms homepage widget.


This release is only compatible with Continuum CMS #34 (13.2.0), which should be installed before this release is applied. No further Continuum CMS patches should be applied after the Continuum XFP patch, unless updating to a later version of Continuum XFP.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 3.5.1