Continuum XFP #109 (6.3.0)

Improvement to Date formulas, Event Booking SLA Report, CXM logging and bug fixes

This release:

New Adds additional date & time formats to the 'Date +/- Days' predefined logic formula.

New Adds additional logging to CXM actions, detailing whether the request was made by a signed in user.

New Adds logging when a user returns from a payment provider after their session has expired.

Update Improves security by masking sensitive input fields in the PayBridge adapter settings page.

Update Improves the usability of the 'Event Booking SLA' report.

Update Updates the 'Jadu Directories' action, to create entries in the 'User Records Awaiting Approval' list.

Update Updates page template designer to highlight issues that prevent sections from displaying.

The page template designer will now show warnings if the conditional rule on a section can never be satisfied. For example, showing a section based on a question inside itself. Existing templates may show warnings when visited after patch.

Update Improves reliability of drag and drop interactions in the page template designer.

Fix Fixes an issue where the 'Run as signed in user' toggle was not considered when running the 'CXM - Can Create for Address' predefined logic.

Fix Fixes an issue where patching to XFP 6.1.0 or above could cause issues branching and rules based on radio buttons.

Prior to 6.1.0, it was necessary to manually enter values for comparison when creating rules or setting up branching on radio button questions. This meant it was possible to enter values in the incorrect case. XFP 6.1.0 changed to display a list of options to select from. Any existing manually entered values in the wrong case would then not be selected from this list when viewing the rule.

Fix Fixes an issue where session timeout was not considered when completing forms on the front-end.

Fix Fixes an issue where spaces were incorrectly removed when saving a literal logic.

Fix Fixes an issue where some answers were not shown on the review page of the form.

This affected any questions which were inside a section conditionally shown on a matrix or integrated component.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to delete incomplete internal forms.

Fix Fixes an issue where dragging the last element out of a section made it impossible to drag new elements into it.

Fix Fixes an issue where the 'Jadu Directories' action did not attach upload files to the directory record.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to take payment from a form after visiting AssureSign.

Fix Fixes an issue where Conditional Logic would incorrectly format decimal values as a timestamp in the result.


This release contains both XFP #109 (6.3.0) and the corresponding Continuum CMS version 19.4.10 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 6.3.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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