Continuum XFP #112 (6.6.0)

New data export functionality including scheduled exports and an API. Support for GOV.UK Pay metadata fields, getting a value from a Jadu Directory record, retrieving collection dates from Bartec Collective and automatic data retention lock removal.

This release:

New Adds further functionality to Data Export.

In the first release of data export (released in XFP 6.5.0) the ability to export data required the user to log into the control centre to request an export. 

This second release of data export enhances the feature by introducing new features:

  • Run an export on a schedule (hourly, daily, weekly and monthly).
  • Initiate an export and export files via an API from external applications.
  • Data retention controls.
  • Rerun a previously run export.
  • Enhanced logging.
  • Exporting data over FTP using XFP’s existing connector functionality. 

These new export options give you additional export options to fit in with your workflow such as creating regular reports for the service areas.

The new data retention controls allow webmasters to control how long the exported data and associated logs are retained providing the tools to maintain a healthy server by clearing down saved data that is no longer needed and the rerun option lets users regenerate data retentioned export files. 

New Adds the ability to define custom metadata fields when setting up a payment adapter in PayBridge.

GOV.UK Pay payment service now supports the ability to send additional codes such as fund, ledger and cost centre codes with the payment. PayBridge has been updated to support the defining of these custom metadata fields in adapters. Currently only the GOV.UK Pay adatper supports these fields.

The GOV.UK Pay adapter has also been updated to version 1.1 which to add support for custom metadata fields. 

New Adds a loading spinner when choosing a predefined formula.

Sometimes it can take longer than normal to load a formula, now a loading spinner will be displayed while you wait. 

New Adds a new predefined logic to get the value of a field from a Jadu Directory record.

Jadu Directories provides a way to store structured data, traditionally this data has been surfaced exclusively on the website but there has been a growing trend to use Directories as headless datastore.

This new logic enhances the interoperability between XFP and Directories by allowing forms to look up the value of a directory record and use it within the form bringing the Directories headless datastore closer.

Key features:  

  • Choose either live or offline Directories. By using offline directories, a directory could be used as a custom database.
  • Select the directory field and a value to search for, if more than one directory record is matched the first record is returned. 
  • Select which field from the directory record is returned as the result of the logic.
  • If no matching records are found ‘not-found’ is returned. 
  • Only Text Box, Text Area, Select Box, Radio Buttons, Link and Email fields are searchable. 

New Adds a new predefined logic to get a collection date from Bartec Collective.

Waste service forms are complex and often need to make decisions based on information held in a waste management system. 

Setting SLA dates based on the last collection date for example, hasn’t been possible until this release of XFP because the last collection date couldn’t be pulled from Bartec Collective to use within the form logic without custom development. 

The new logic brings both the previous and next collection date for a property into the form from Bartec.

Key features: 

  • Returns a collection date for the job type selected.
  • Choose from Garden, Residual, Recycling and Other (manual entry) job types.
  • Retrieve either the next or previous collection date.

Update Improves logging when raising a Service Request in Bartec Collective.

A log entry is now made when the call to retrieve the PENDING status from the Bartec Collective API is made. The entry details both the request and response for successful and failed requests and viewable in the control centre in the received form log.  

Update Improves data retention to remove the scheduled task lock automatically when the task fails to complete.

Update Security improvements.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to download form attachments in Chrome 79 or above.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when importing a form, XFP could incorrectly flag the form as modified and the import would fail.

Fix Fixes an issue where conditional logic would incorrectly interpret results with leading zeroes as dates.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was possible to create a data retention policy without any statuses.

Fix Fixes an issue where the 'SLA date' and 'Seeded SLA date' predefined logics would return an extra day.

Fix Fixes an issue where PayBridge orders were not removed when data retention was run on an entire form submission. Historical orders which should have been removed by data retention will be removed during the patch process.

For legacy forms, this release:

Update Improves logging when raising a Service Request in Bartec Collective.

A log entry is now made when the call to retrieve the PENDING status from the Bartec Collective API is made. The entry details both the request and response for successful and failed requests and viewable in the control centre in the received form log.  

Update Security improvements.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to download form attachments in Chrome 79 or above (front end change required).

Additonal deployment instructions:

After deploying this patch you will receive an error, to resolve the error you will need to manually delete and then warm the cache.


This release contains both XFP 6.6.0 and the corresponding Continuum CMS 19.5.0 version in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 6.6.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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