Continuum XFP #114 (6.8.0)

Adds support for Bartec Collective V16, Performance improvements when transitioning a case in CXM and bug fixes.

This release:

New Adds the ability to filter out workpacks based on total weight, volume or premises in the 'Bartec - Future Workpacks' logic.

New Adds support for Bartec Collective V16.

New Adds support for release #71 of the DfT Blue Badge Service API.

Update Improves the logic used to determine whether or not to show links to raised CXM cases.

When completing a form as anonymous user, any links to cases raised in CXM were broken when clicked.

Update Removes unnecessary API call when transitioning a case in CXM.

Update Removes integration with GoCardless.

Update Improves Data Retention to ensure clean log output where a file has already been removed from the file system.

Fix Fixes an issue where accessing a modern form via a legacy-style URL created corrupt data in the database.

Fix Fixes an issue where form submissions with multiple file uploads would cause the Data Retention task to stall.

Fix Fixes an issue where Data Export would generate invalid CSV output when exporting submissions where optional repeatable questions were left empty.

Fix Fixes an issue where double clicking the 'Go to Payment' button could cause PayBridge to incorrectly mark a successful payment as failed.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to download legacy form attachments in Google Chrome.

This affected any files uploaded between XFP 6.0.0 and XFP 6.6.0.

Fix Fixes an issue where a fatal error was shown when attempting to download a legacy form attachment via Received Forms.

This should have have returned a '404 Not Found' error.


This release contains both XFP 6.8.0 and the corresponding Continuum CMS 19.5.1 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 6.8.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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