
When Jadu searches for properties, it will send a GET request to the configured property_lookup.search_path URI.

This endpoint is expected to return a list of property records that match the postcode given in the {postcode} argument. The lookup should be case-insensitive as Jadu will not guarantee the case of the argument value. Whitespace within the argument value will not be stripped and so the API should be able to handle multiple or no spaces within the given postcode.

If there are no matching properties, an empty list should be returned.

For a successful request, the JSON response should contain the following:

Name Value Required
properties array of property records found for the postcode Yes

Each property record within the array must be structured as follows:

Property Record

Name Value Required
identifier 10001228376 Yes
uprn 10001228376 Yes
usrn 2802454 Yes
street_name MERUS COURT Yes
post_code LE19 1RJ Yes
easting 454801
northing 302081
logical_status 1

Fields that are required must be present and not empty or the property record will be ignored. Complete records in the result set will still be processed successfully.

The identifier should be a unique value that represents the address record for the entirety of its lifetime. In most cases this would be the same as the UPRN however Jadu recognise that some systems use alternative identifiers so have provided the flexibility to use a different value. The identifier will be used when fetching a single property (see below).

Example request:

GET /address-finder/property/search/LE19%201RJ

Example response:

    "properties": [
            "identifier": "10001228376",
            "uprn": "10001228376",
            "usrn": "2802454",
            "paon": "1 UNIVERSE HOUSE",
            "street_name": "MERUS COURT",
            "locality": "MERIDIAN BUSINESS PARK",
            "town": "BRAUNSTONE TOWN",
            "post_code": "LE19 1RJ",
            "easting": "454801",
            "northing": "302081"
            "logical_status": "1"

Fetch property

When Jadu needs to fetch a single property record, it will send a GET request to the configured property_lookup.fetch_path URI.

This is expected to respond with a body containing a JSON representation of a single property that has the identifier matching the one provided in place of the {identifier} placeholder.

If no matching property is available, an HTTP 404 Not Found response should be returned.

When successful, the returned JSON object should contain a single full property record (see above for record structure details).

Example request:

GET /address-finder/property/fetch/10001228376

Example response:

    "property": {
        "identifier": "10001228376",
        "uprn": "10001228376",
        "usrn": "2802454",
        "paon": "1 UNIVERSE HOUSE",
        "street_name": "MERUS COURT",
        "locality": "MERIDIAN BUSINESS PARK",
        "town": "BRAUNSTONE TOWN",
        "post_code": "LE19 1RJ",
        "easting": "454801",
        "northing": "302081"
        "Logical_status": "1"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""