Continuum XFP #1

Enhanced form branching using calculation questions, US validation, bug and security fixes

Release notes

New Added ability to create branching rules based on literal values from calculation questions. 

New Added US Postcode (Zip), Telephone and Social Security Number validation routines for form questions.

New Added the ability to submit to CRM systems from internal forms.

Update Added support for passive mode in FTP connectors.

Fix Fixed an issue with the confirmed entry component not saving when mapping a CRM schema.

Fix Fixed an issue where Manual Data Export files cannot be downloaded in IE8.

Fix Fixed an issue where bullet point lists cause unexpected behaviour in PDF generation.

Fix Fixed an issue that allowed an internal form to be submitted more than once.

Fix Fixed an issue where Integrated Components could not connect to external databases on WISP servers.

Security Removed reliance on PHP 'register globals' functionality as this is not supported beyond PHP 5.3.


Continuum XFP #1 Patch