Continuum XFP #13

Release notes

New Added PayBridge payments system to XFP continuum.

New Added ability to populate the first level of Integrated Components with a previous question's answer.

Update SFTP and SCP connectors have been changed to use cURL and are now available on WISP.

Update Data retention now better handles very large amounts of user forms.

New Fixed issue where selection of multiple checkboxes would evaluate to -1 when used either in a calculation or as a default value for a later question.

New Fixed issue where adding a template to a form does not create the necessary form variables.

New Fixed issue where using a file upload as a default value for another question causes incorrect output.

New Fixed issue where 'Current Row' form variables are not replaced in table calculation fields.

CMS dependency

Minimum CMS version required is


Continuum XFP #13 Patch