Continuum XFP #15

Release notes

New Added the ability to check the status of payment providers before making a payment in PayBridge.

New Added payment service provider availability checking to the front end of PayBridge.

New New Jadu Q form action - provides integration with Jadu Q to create new cases when an XFP form is submitted.

Update Added the ability to anchor calculation buttons to questions.

Fix Fixed issue where form variables and table element field names would be printed with spaces in XML formatted file output.

Fix Fixed an issue with internal forms not showing the user selected answer for integrated components.

Fix Fixed an issue where importing a form with a custom integrated component, would cause a fatal error on the front end.

Fix Prevented labels from being added for Integrated Components that do not have a data retrieval function.

Fix Added a mapping to display 'User data removed' to form statuses where data retention had been applied.

Fix Fixed an issue where form metadata was not being displayed on the front end.

Fix Fixed an issue where long questions prevent patches from applying correctly and added stricter checks before patching for component names containing illegal symbols.

Fix Fixed an issue where logging of payment provider responses may not work.

Fix Fixed issue where only one form variable could be used in the 'To' field of an email alert.

CMS dependency

Minimum CMS version required is


Continuum XFP #15 Patch