Continuum XFP #21

Improved stability of calculations

Update Refactored calculations to improve stability, and to solve an issue where chaining of calculations resulted in unexpected behaviour.

Update Improved the Address Street Search integrated component, allowing the user to proceed with the form after selecting 'My Street was not found' from the street lookup.

Fix Solved an issue where custom tabs are not displayed when viewing a form in the Control Centre.

Fix Solved an issue where CRM response variables could not be added to form complete pages or email templates.

Fix Fixed error in project template scripts when viewing a user form submission. The correct language pack files are now included (front-end change).

Fix Fixed issue with saving and retrieving language packs.

Fix Fixed an issue where mappings in the CXM action are lost if questions are edited.

Fix Added the ability to use form variables, service request types and static text when setting mappings in the CXM action.


This release is compatible with Continuum CMS #27.  

If you are unsure of compitability please speak to Jadu support who can advise. 

CMS dependency

Minimum CMS version required is

Maximum CMS version is


Continuum XFP #21 Patch