Continuum XFP #26

Predefined calculations for CXM, completing Internal Forms on behalf of front-end users and bug fixes

This release:

New Adds the ability to complete an internal form on behalf of a front-end user. The completed form will be visible in the front-end user's account. This feature is disabled by default, and can be enabled in Settings (front-end change required).

New Adds new form variables, 'Form - All Internal Questions/Answers' and 'Form - All Internal Visible Questions/Answers'. These behave in a similar fashion to existing all questions/answers variables, but also include private questions.

New Adds a predefined calculation that will return the first CXM case for a signed in user.

New Adds a predefined calculation that will return the status of a specified CXM case.

New Adds a predefined calculation that will give the value of a specified field on a CXM case.

New Adds a predefined calculation for pro-rata amounts (number of days * number of items * cost per item).

Fix Solves an issue where answers to private questions were not saved when filling in an internal form.

Fix Addresses an issue where the breadcrumb on the PayBridge Order Receipt page returns the user to the wrong payment archive page (front-end change).


This release is only compatible with Continuum CMS #32 (13.0.2), which should be installed before this release is applied. No further Continuum CMS patches should be applied after the XFP patch, unless updating to a later version of XFP.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu support who can advise. 

Semantic version number: 3.4.0