Continuum XFP #31

Support for multiple case types in CXM, Data Retention on form submission and bug fixes

Data retention updates

In the last couple of releases the XFP team have been working hard on updates to the way data retention policies are managed, in the last release we introduced global data retention policies and in this release we have updated form-specific data retention policies to make them simplier and more intuitive. You can also now clear down data immediately after form actions have been triggered. 


This release

New Adds the ability to immediately clear down user data on form submission (data is only removed if all of the Actions assigned to the form are completed successfully).

New Adds the ability to create, edit and transition Jadu CXM cases of different types from the same form.

Fix Fixes an issue between XForms Professional and Jadu CXM where incompatible date formats were used.

Fix Fixes an issue where toggles for individual Payment Adapter settings do not save correctly.

Fix Fixes an issue where the Save and Delete buttons were not visible in the PayBridge form tab.

Fix Fixes an issue where embedded forms were using the same session as the main website.

Fix Fixes an issue where users would incorrectly see a "You have already submitted this form" message, when restarting a form following a session timeout.

Fix Fixes an issue where users could occasionally make a 'successful' form submission, despite a technical fault having occurred.


This release is only compatible with Continuum CMS #37 (13.5.0), which should be installed before this release is applied. No further Continuum CMS patches should be applied after the Continuum XFP patch, unless updating to a later version of Continuum XFP.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 3.8.0