Continuum XFP #38

Event booking improvements, CXM submission digest and bug fixes

This release:

New Adds the ability to have all-day booking slots and allows simultaneous events for the same slot.

New Adds the ability to send a daily digest of submissions to CXM (including any failures) to a provided email address.

New Adds the ability for Administrators to verify orders that have been paid but not processed due to session expiry.

Update Adds a command to warm the caches.

Update Adds Meteor scripts to automatically clear caches after patching.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to grant access to a form tab in certain circumstances.

Fix Fixes an issue where answers for radio button or checkbox questions inside a table would appear incorrectly in “All Question/Answers” form variables.

Fix Fixes an issue with the event booking expiry scheduled task that prevented it from running.


This release contains both Continuum XFP #38 (3.14.0) and Continuum CMS #44 (13.11.0) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #44 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 3.14.0