Continuum XFP #41

Adds Continuum Version to the Versions page, allows submitting of generated PDFs into CXM and general bug fixes

This release:

New Adds the Continuum version number to both the version page and the boilerplate of the Control Center.

New Adds the ability to submit to CXM without using the signed-in user’s identity.

Update Adds an option to attach the generated PDF form when creating a CXM case.

Fix Fixes an issue where email alerts containing numerous or sizeable attachments would cause an error on form submission.

Fix Fixes an issue where Scheduled Export emails would appear corrupted in some mail clients.

Fix Fixes an issue where Administrators may occasionally see a “You do not have permission to perform this action” message in the Control Center, despite having the correct permissions.

Fix Fixes an issue where Administrators may occasionally be asked to sign-in again when navigating between two Control Center interfaces.

Fix Fixes an issue where Administrators could not return to previous stages of the setup process when editing a template in the Directory Action.

Fix Fixes an issue where clicking on some labels did not automatically focus the user on their associated question in an embedded form.

Fix Fixes an issue where Scheduled Export emails were only sent to the first specified address if a comma-separated list was provided.

Fix Fixes an issue where the ‘Email Address’ and ‘Email Subject’ fields of Data Export were not set correctly when copying or exporting a form.

Fix Fixes an issue where embedded forms did not work on IE8 and IE9 due to a JavaScript error.

Fix Fixes an issue where adding a form template to a form would not complete successfully, resulting in only the template’s first question being added to the form.

Fix Fixes an issue where Integrated Component 'Label' form variables did not evaluate correctly when used as inputs to pre-defined calculations.

Fix Fixes an issue where multiple choice values were not passed to CXM correctly.

Fix Fixes an issue where leaving a non-required ‘Date’ question empty would result in incorrect data being passed to CXM.


This release contains both Continuum XFP #41 (3.16.1) and Continuum CMS #47 (15.0.0) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #47 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 3.16.1