Continuum XFP #47

NLPG Anywhere added to Integrations, bug fixes

This release:

New Adds NLPG Anywhere settings page to the Integrations Hub.

Update Removes the Antivirus check so MIME types and allowed file extensions can be changed without having Antivirus enabled.

Fix Fixes an issue with parsing dd/mm/yyyy formatted dates in the CXM action.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when a user has an empty order, their account page displays a broken link to the order.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to remove items from an existing order when adding a new item relating to a different payment provider.

Fix Fixes an issue with the Singlepoint Integration whereby when changing or updating a WSDL any previous adapters were not reset.

Fix Fixes an issue where a PayBridge service could still be used for payment, despite being taken offline.

Fix Fixes an issue where the incorrect value was passed to CXM when ‘My Address was not found’ was selected in an Address Lookup.

Fix Fixes email validation to allow new Top Level Domains.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when GoCardless is the first PayBridge adapter on a system, some GoCardless conifguration values are incorrectly shown under 'Adapter Settings'.

Front-end Changes

This release requires a change to the front-end scripts for PayBridge, documented in this change document.


This release contains both Continuum XFP #47 (3.22.0) and Continuum CMS #53 (16.3.0) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #53 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 3.22.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now