Continuum XFP #80

Form Reports, CXM improvements and bug fixes

This release:

New Adds content scheduling to modern forms.

New Adds reports for:

  • Forms by popularity
  • Forms by view a summary of received forms submitters
  • Forms by received forms
  • Forms for customer service advisor
  • Forms by customer service advisor

Update Adds draggable reorder to answer blocks for Checkbox, Radio Button and Dropdown list questions.

Update Makes minor language changes to the CXM case address calculation.

Update Increases usability of CXM predefined calculations, by replacing text inputs for Case Type and Field with dropdown lists populated via the CXM API.

Update Adds the ability to pass address data from a Postcode Lookup to the payment provider for forms integrated with PayBridge.

Update Adds the ability to prefill an address lookup with a user's property, using the 'User - UPRN' variable.

Update Renames received form log table column from 'Form' to 'System'.

Update Updates PayBridge adapter settings page to a piano list.

Update Updates Internal Forms list view to Pulsar UI styling.

Update Updates the default value of multiple choice question options to match those created within CXM field setup.

Update Adds configurable content to the user forms widget.

Update Changes validation routine of UK telephone number to match CXM's validation routine.

Update Adds alphabetical sort button for answer blocks when adding Checkbox, Radio Button and Dropdown list questions.

Update Renames CXM calculation that pulls in reference of the most recent case for a user.

Fix Changes the result of the 'Is User a member of a CXM Organisation' predefined logic, to output 'n/a' in Internal Forms.

Fix Fixes an issue where the page did not anchor down to the correct place when doing a lookup on an Integrated Component inside a Repeatable Question.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when a user exceeds a certain number of submissions within a certain time period, XFP would try to show a ReCAPTCHA, despite integration with ReCAPTCHA being disabled.

Fix Fixes a bug where opening and closing dialogs in a specific combination will cause a form action template to be duplicated.

Fix Fixes an issue where deleting a chained action caused all other actions in the rule to be incorrectly flagged as invalid.

Fix Fixes an issue where exported reports have a duplicate file extension.

Fix Fix XFP Reports with a time period on WISP servers.

Fix Solves an issue where it was not possible to reach certain PayBridge providers when using the Photon PayBridge front-end.

Fix Solves an issue where Payment Action templates created before XFP #78 would cause a fatal error to occur on the Payment Review page after the XFP #78 patch.

Fix Changes the result of the 'Is User a member of a CXM Organisation' calculation, to output 'n/a' in Internal Forms.

For legacy forms, this release:

Update Removes the requirement for a form to have the CXM action to be enabled in order to prefill fields with user data from CXM.

Fix Solves an issue where legacy forms would not show PDF or CXM case links in the My Account User Forms widget.

Fix Fixes an issue that caused a fatal error when submitting a form that had an event booking question mapped to a CXM 'date' or 'datetime' field.

Fix Ignores extra whitespace when validating calculations.

Front-end Changes

For all customers, this release requires a change to the front-end scripts documented in this change document.


This release contains both Continuum XFP #80 (4.4.0) and Continuum CMS #82 (17.9.2) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #82 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 4.4.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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