Continuum XFP #84

Page Template health checks and Bartec Integrated components

This release:

New Adds the ability to use Bartec Integrated Components in the new form builder.

You now have the ability to use Bartec Integrated Components in the new form builder by using prefills to populate the UPRN on the components.

New Adds Health Check to Page Templates

The new Page Template Health Check can be run on any Page Template you've created. It will check the following mis-configuration problems:

  • Page Sections - Check for conditional rules on questions that no longer exist.
  • Location component. - If using ESRI maps, check that this is enabled in the system. 
  • Calendar component - Check that Office 365 integration is enabled in the system.
  • Check that the selected calendar still exists. 
  • Check that the selected event booking configuration still exists.
  • Integrated components - Check that the integrated component is available and enabled in the system.
  • Additionally, page templates will be checked on form import, to ensure that you don't import forms which use components that your system does not have.

Update Replaces 'internal only' setting with 'show publicly' and 'show internally'

You now have the ability to set a question and repeatable section's visibility granularly using the two "show publicly" and "show internally" options. This enables you to set questions to only show publicly - for example, upload fields for evidence.

Update Updates form Health Check to run the new Page Template health check for all of the Page Templates that are used in the form

Fix Fixes an issue where a repeatable set to internal only, in a section, can be shown publicly

Fix Fixes an issue where questions set to internal only, in a repeatable, can be shown publicly

Fix Fixes an issue where a PHP warning was being logged when editing a repeatable question

Fix Fixes an issue where actions with repeatable mappings failed to run correctly in certain circumstances.

When setting up an action on the form, there are a number of possible field types that can be mapped. One of these, the repeatable type, did not handle fields where the name contained an underscore. In such circumstances, the incorrect data would be passed to the action when it ran.

Fix Fixes an issue where no error message was displayed to users when the payment provider was unavailable.

PayBridge provides Status Checking for some adapters, which ensures that the payment provider is available. Where this was supported and enabled, no error was displayed to explain why it was not possible to proceed with payment.

Fix Fixes an issue where the position of a tooltip in the MOTO list view caused it to be difficult to read.

Fix Fixes an issue where users were unable to export a large amount of PayBridge orders


This release contains both Continuum XFP #84 (5.1.0) and the correspoonding Continuum CMS #86 (18.1.2) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #86 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 5.1.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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