Continuum XFP #87

Photon support and bug fixes

This release:

New Adds support for sites built using Photon.

New Adds a new predefined formula, that generates a random 9-digit code.
This code can be used with CXM to provide a secret access code for accessing the case information by a third party

New Adds a new validation routine, which validates that an answer is the expected format for a 9-digit code.
Where a customer is asked to enter the code to access a form linked to a CXM case this validation routine can be applied to the textfield to validate the format of the code provided

Update Improves the accessibility of the file upload component.
Questions using this component can now be answered using a keyboard only, and the markup has been changed to increase compatibility with screen readers.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when using the 'Value of A or B' predefined formula for a Logic, the Logic would evaluate incorrectly if 'A' was mapped to a question inside a hidden section.

Fix Fixes an issue where patches to Continuum XFP #85 and #86 could fail in certain circumstances.
Some WISP installs of XFP have an additional constraint on the action column on the JaduXFormsForm table, this caused a database change included in theses patches to fail.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to edit prefills or run health check on forms that used missing custom variables.
If a form is imported that uses one or more variables that do not exist on your server, errors would occur when trying to edit prefills or run health check. This has been fixed, so it is now possible to open the prefills interface and remove the ones using the missing variable.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was possible to import a form that used a predefined logic formula that was not present on the server.
This has been fixed so that the import process will now fail, and highlight which logic uses the missing formula.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to submit, or edit the logic formula for, a form that used a missing predefined logic formula.
Previously when visiting the forms logic setup page, the page would fatal error.

Fix Fixes an issue where in page branching based on an 'Address not found' value did not work as expected.
When using in page branching to show a section based on 'Address not found', answers to questions in the section were not saved, even when the section was visible.

Fix Fixes a HTML validation error in the location component.

Fix Fixes a HTML validation error on the payments basket page of PayBridge.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when setting up a template for the 'Bartec Collective Raise Service Request' action, the dropdown of initial statuses was empty.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when adding an event booking question to a page, it was not possible to refresh the list of Outlook calendars.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when editing a rule with a 'Question' condition, the questions on the form appeared multiple times in the condition's dropdown.

Fix Fixes an issue where importing a form would fail with error 'Cannot unzip the archive'.
This was caused by a page template, logic formula, rule or action template containing a special character in its filename. These characters are now removed from filenames in the exported form archive.

Fix Fixes an issue where the XFP Photon installer would not update the config/modules.xml file correctly

Fix Strengthens checks for MIME type of a form whilst importing it into a server.
This was caused when a .zip file was renamed as .tar and caused a fatal error when trying to import the form into a server.


This release contains both Continuum #87 (5.4.1) and the corresponding Continuum CMS #89 (18.2.0) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #89 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 5.4.1


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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