Continuum XFP #102 (5.14.2)

Bug fixes and performance improvements

This release:

Update Improves the performance of forms by caching the current user's details, rather than querying Jadu CXM for them multiple times per page load.

Update Improves the performance of forms by caching the result of a status check API call to Jadu CXM.

Update Improves the performance of forms by not contacting Jadu CXM to retrieve case details when a case reference is obviously invalid.

Update Updates twig form template to check if the "method" attribute has a value before outputting the attribute in the markup

Fix Fixes an issue where, when editing a page's instructions, placeholders in the instructions text was not saved correctly.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when searching for a postcode in SinglePoint which is not cached, the request would sometimes time-out waiting for SinglePoint to respond.

For legacy forms, this release:

Fix Fixes an issue where calculations would not evaluate correctly if the formula included a text field, from inside a table, which was using the "Float (Floating point number)" validation.


This release contains both XFP 5.14.2 and the corresponding Continuum CMS 19.0.2 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 5.14.2


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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