Continuum XFP #120 (7.4.0)

In XFP 7.4.0 we have resolved a number of outstanding issues.

This release:

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to change ownership of a form using the Actions menu on the forms list view in the control centre.

Control Centre administrators will require “Change ownership” permission to perform this action.

Impacts: Change ownership on the forms list view in the control centre.

Fix Fixes an issue where editing the response to an integrated component that has a lookup function inside a repeatable question would not allow the user to choose a new response from results of the lookup.

An example of an integrated component with a lookup function would be any of the address lookup components that are provided out of the box by XFP. After adding an address lookup component to a repeatable question and answering the repeatable question on the form, trying to edit the response to the address question by entering a new postcode and clicking lookup would not keep the editing interface open to allow the user to select a new response from the drop down list of properties. This behaviour is not limited to address lookup questions, any integrated component including custom integrated components would exhibit the same behaviour as described. This fix corrects the behaviour for all integrated component types with a lookup.

Impacts: Integrated components within a repeatable question.

Fix Fixes an issue where enabling “Include Address: From Individual Fields” on a PayBridge: Make a Payment action template would result in a 500 error when making the payment.

Mapping individual fields for the address on a Make a Payment template would typically be used to map “address not found” questions on a form to the payment provider.

Impacts: Payments initiated on the website and via internal forms.

Fix Fixes an issue where user uploaded files could be included in an email template that does not include the file upload question placeholder.

When setting up an email template, including the placeholder for the file upload question or using the ‘All Questions & Answers’ placeholder should include the files uploaded by the user in response to the question.

When a placeholder for a file upload question was included in the email template the attachments would not be included in the email sent, in contrast email templates without placeholders for file upload questions would incorrectly include file attachments.

Impacts: Emails

Fix Fixes intermittent scrolling issue on the pages tab in the form designer.

When a form structure reaches a size that takes it below the fold of the browser window, the scroll functionality would judder making it impossible to add a page to the form without resizing the browser window or using the browsers zoom controls to make the entire form structure fit within the browser window.

Impacts: Pages tab in the form designer

Fix Fixes an issue where editing responses to a repeatable question row would not save the edited responses.

Repeatable questions allow users to answer a set of questions multiple times. Form designers can set a minimum and maximum number of answers to the repeatable question. Users can edit an existing response by using the edit button on the table of responses. If both the minimum and maximum number of answers are set to the same value the edit made to an existing response would not be saved.

Impacts: Repeatable questions

Fix Fixes an issue where creating a copy of a form using “Save As” or importing a form would incorrectly import page templates as forms specific if the page template has a conditional section using a “Comparison of” clause.

When importing a form or creating a copy of a form using “Save As” page templates for the new form are compared with page templates that already exist within the system, if a page template already existing in the system matches (same title, questions, options etc..) the page template structure on the new form, the existing template is added to the new form as a shared page template. If the page template being imported or copied has a section conditionally shown based on a “Comparison of” clause the comparison would treat the page template as different from the existing page template and create a form specific page template.

Impacts: Form “Save As” and Form Import

Fix Fixes an issue where copied page templates with a conditional section could result in a 500 error if the original page template was deleted.

Copying a page template via the Page Template designer “Save As” action would create a copy of the page template which incorrectly referenced the original page template. When the original page template was deleted these references would not evaluate and this would cause a 500 error on the pages tab in the form designer. A maintenance script is provided to check and fix any occurrences of this issue.

Impacts: Pages tab in the form designer

Fix Fixes issues with character encoding on LAMP systems.

Entering non-ASCII characters into the form/page instructions content would result in character encoding errors after saving. For example, entering a £ sign into form instructions would result in output of Å£. Similar output would result for other non-ASCII characters such as the copyright symbol ©. WISP environments are unaffected by this issue.

Impacts: System wide, input fields for settings and WYSIWYG editor content in the control centre and on the website.

Fix Fixes an issue with migrating File Output mappings on WISP environments during the deployment of XFP 7.x.

In XFP 7.0.0 all mappings for actions were migrated from separate database tables into a single table, during the migration on WISP the mappings for File Output were not inserted correctly into the new mapping table and would result in output in a JSON format instead of the evaluated mapping. Re-saving File Output mappings would correct the mappings. This fix resolves the issue for any File Output mappings that haven’t been resaved.

Impacts: File output file (CSV, XML) content.

Fix Fixes an issue with creating/editing a “Send email” template with an attachment enabled.

In a “Send email” template a form designer can choose to include a file attachment in PDF, TXT, CSV or XML format. When enabled, an “Attachment content” setting will be displayed with a WYSIWYG editor for PDF attachments and a text area for TXT, CSV and XML attachments. Only one attachment content setting should appear but this issue caused both input types (WYSIWYG and Textarea) to display and the template could not be saved without providing an answer to both settings.

Impacts: Send email templates

Fix Fixes an issue with exporting forms via the data management export when a form contains large files.

When exporting a form containing files that have been uploaded by a user some users were experiencing “out of memory” errors due to the file being read into memory as part of the export process. This fix stops large files being read into memory during the export process.

Impacts: Exports from Data Management containing File Uploads

Fix Fixes an issue where creating a copy of a form using “Save As” or importing a form would incorrectly import page templates as form specific if the page template has had a question or section deleted.

When importing a form or creating a copy of a form using “Save As” page templates for the new form are compared with page templates that already exist within the system, if a page template already existing within the system matches (same title, questions, options etc..) the page template structure on the new form, the existing template is added to the new form as a shared page template.

When comparing the page template being imported or copied with an existing page template in the system, if the existing page template has had a question or section deleted in its history the comparison would not return a match and a new form specific page template would be created. .

Impacts: Form “Save As” and Form Import

Fix Fixes an issue where responses to deleted pages or questions would not show in the received form view in the control centre.

Received forms show the answers a user submitted for their submission. If the form structure changes, for example, deleting a page from the structure the answers displayed under the received form should be what the user completing the form saw at the time they were completing the form. From 7.0.0, answers to pages or questions that have been removed from the form were not shown in the received form. The answers are still maintained in the database and after patching to this version of XFP all answers will be visible in received forms.

Impacts: Received forms in the control centre

Fix Fixes an issue where responses were incorrectly ordered in the received form view in the control centre.

When viewing a received form in the control centre, the order of the responses should match the order of questions in the form i.e. answers to questions on the first page should precede those on page two. The left sidebar shows which pages have been visited in, these should match the order of pages in the form. For some forms, both the form responses and the list of visited pages were displayed in the incorrect order. This fix ensures that both are ordered correctly.

Impacts: Received forms in the control centre

Fix Fixes an issue where in page branching from a hidden question didn't behave correctly.

From XFP 7.0.0 additional conditional section “comparison of” operators were made available to form designers in the page template designer. These new operators give form designers greater control over how a section is displayed by checking if the trigger question has been answered before evaluating the condition to display the section. The new operators are prefixed with “is answered and ”.

During the upgrade to 7.0.0 conditional sections that were displayed based on the operators; is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greater than or equal to, is not equal to, does not contain, does not start with and does not end with are migrated to use the “is answered and “ equivalent operator. For example, if the operator used is “not equal to” this will become “is answered and not equal to”.

A change in behaviour has been observed in that a section that previously displayed by default if the question wasn’t answered, for example on page load without a default answer set, will now only display if the question is answered and meets the condition to display.

This fix reverts back to the previous behaviour, both "is answered and" and non "is answered and" operators will behave in the same way and the previous pre 7.0.0 behaviour has been restored.

Impacts: The displaying of conditional sections (in page branching) using the operators listed above.

Fix Fixes an issue where in page branching conditional section settings could not be set using IE11.

Page sections can be set to show conditionally based on a condition. The condition is set when adding the section to the page via the page template designer. In Internet Explorer 11 this issue prevented the condition options to load and prevented the ability to save in page branching rules. Other browsers are unaffected by this issue.

Impacts: Configuring conditional sections in the page template designer when using Internet Explorer 11.

Fix Fixes an issue where the labels generated by a file output form action had changed from earlier versions.

In versions of XFP prior to 7.0.0, field labels output by file output into XML/CSV files were formatted as "Question Text (Page Title - Section Title)", from 7.0.0 the field label was formatted as "Question Text (Page Title) (Section Title)", this fix reverts the field labels back to their pre 7.0.0 format.

Impacts: File output file (CSV, XML) content.

Fix Fixes an issue where saved database connections could be corrupted after updating to XFP 7.0.0 or above

Impacts: XFP database connections configured via the control centre pre deployment of XFP 7.0.0 (WISP environments only)


This release contains both XFP 7.4.0 and the corresponding Continuum CMS 20.1.1 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 7.4.0