Continuum CXM #72

Integration logging and search, Limit the number of cases per address...

New Integrations: Users can search for CXM cases by the reference field of the external linked case

New Apply a limit to the number of cases that can be created for an address

New Link an organisation entity to a CXM case

New Integrations: Logging

Update Password reset: Improve confirmation message so that users who do not have an account don't think the email has failed

Fix User is unable to populate a multiple option choice field in a case form 

Fix Transition form only shows on timeline call to action button

Fix Fields: Services 'Available to' not updated when Service is changed or removed

Fix Case type create: Only 10 services are listed in the service selection dropdown

Fix Display of multi-select choice fields in ribbon & dashboard columns

Fix Transitions: Creating a transition with a name containing no letters results in an error

Fix Star cases in list view applies and shortly unapplies it.