Fetch People by telephone number

You can use the PersonManager to fetch a collection of People by a telephone number.

The getByTelephoneNumber method accepts pagination parameters as arguments and will return a PaginatedCollection. By default, it will return the first page, including 15 people per page.


$page = 1; // The page you want to fetch.
$perPage = 30; // The no. of people to include per page.

/** @var \Jadu\Quantum\ServiceApiClient\Manager\PersonManager $personManager */
$personManager = $container->get('quantum_service_api_client.manager.person');

/** @var \Jadu\Quantum\ServiceApiClient\Model\Collection\PaginatedCollection $people */
$people = $personManager->getByTelephoneNumber('0116 222 7242', $page, $perPage);

This will give you a list of Person objects, containing information such as:

  • name
  • email
  • address
  • telephone

If the Person has a linked User account, this will also be attached to the returned object.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""