
Continuum #85

New Settings module and Windows 2016 support.

Release notes

New Utilities menu in the Control Centre interface is now split into Utilities and Settings.


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New Added support for MSSQL 2016 on Windows Server 2016.

Fix Fixed an issue where sub-categories in image library modal was not shown in the tree view.

Fix Ajax calls now return a 401 response if the session is not set or expired.

Fix Fixed an issue where link checker task marked valid links as invalid where a partial URL exists in the database.

Fix Disabling a shared admin on mainsite will now disable the admin on galaxies site too.

Fix Deleting a shared admin on mainsite will now delete the admin from galaxies site too.

Fix Extra 'csv' from exported reports filename is now removed.

Fix Fixed an issue where some Galaxies sites created on specific older versions were not having default page supplements.

Update Updated Jadu database installation scripts for MSSQL and tested the Windows installer on latest version of CMS with Photon template and legacy project template.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 18.1.0

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