Continuum XFP #91

Bug fixes

This release:

New Adds a restart form button when a technical fault occurs

Fix Fixes an issue where the default text on the confirmation page says "above" when the details are below

Fix Fixes an issue where, when a user is not signed in to the front end, the "Create Person" CXM action would not run successfully

Fix Fixes an issue where, when editing a question, a dialog would sometimes appear stating the action you are about to take will cause page sections to break when they would not

Fix Fixes an issue where, when JavaScript is disabled, file uploads would not work

Fix Fixes an accessibility issue with the "My Account" widget

This fixes an issue where you were able to tab to a link when it was hidden.

Fix Fixes an issue with HTML validation on file upload, location, and matrix components

Fix Fixes an issue where, when starting a form and passing an empty person reference causes a 500 error

Fix Fixes an issue where, when adding an item to an order containing an item for a different PSP, an error message would sometimes appear about an "invalid amount" when it should not

Fix Fixes an issue where, when searching for a different postcode after an initial search, the selected option would default to "Address not found"

Address lookup components now have a "Please select..." option in the drop-down

Fix Fixes an issue where, when JavaScript is disabled, the recalculate total button on the matrix component would not calculate the total

For legacy forms, this release:

Fix Fixes an issue where a fatal error occurred when triggering the create user action without an email address being set


This release contains both Continuum #91 (5.6.0) and the corresponding Continuum CMS #93 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 5.6.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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