Continuum XFP #103 (5.15.0)

Enhancements to event booking features, a new SLA calculator form logic and the updates to SinglePoint/ESRI LocatorHub address lookups.

This release:

New Adds the ability to specify booking periods.

Previously the event booking configuration options only allowed form designers to choose bookable days. Booking periods adds flexibility to event booking configurations, as each day can now have 0 or more bookable periods configured. This allows form designers to setup additional evening sessions on certain days, setup half days or add break periods via the event booking configurations interface.

New Adds the ability to set a new booking cut off time.

New event booking configuration options allow form designers to specify the minimum time in advance of an event a booking can be made. The introduction of booking periods allows this notice period to be specified for each bookable period. The amount of notice required can be set on the start of the booking period or the event within the booking period.

New Adds additional variable to event booking questions.

New variables available to use are:

  • Event ID: This variable is the unique ID of the event record.
  • Event Date: The date of the event in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Event Start Date/time: The start time of the event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
  • Event End Date/time: The end time of the event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
  • Event Duration: The length of the event in minutes.
  • Weighting: The number of slots in the calendar that the event takes.
  • Calendar: The Microsoft Office 365 calendar the event is booked in.

These variables are available in all the usual places where the variables picker is available, including in mappings to CXM case fields.

New Adds the ability to populate an event booking question with an existing event via a prefill.

By prefilling the event booking question with an id of an existing event the event booking component will display that event as selected. The event ID can come from a URL parameter, a form logic or via the 'Existing Event Booking' integrated component.

New Adds a new report, Event Booking SLA, that reports on how customers are interacting with event booking questions.

The report contains a line entry for every time the event booking question is presented on the form. It shows the date and time the event booking question was presented to the customer, the earliest available bookable slot at this time, and the actually booked slot.

The report can be downloaded as a CSV file for analysis.

New Adds the ability to exclude properties by logical status in SinglePoint and ESRI LocatorHub address lookup questions.

With the introduction of this feature the returned addresses are now filtered based on the logical status to exclude. This allows site administrators to decide what addresses are shown when using either a SinglePoint or ESRI LocatorHub address lookup question on a form.

To ensure backwards compatibility, address lookups using SinglePoint will continue to only show "Approved - Preferred" properties. Customers using SinglePoint can go to the Integrations > SinglePoint page and update the Exclude Logical Statuses setting to change this.

New Adds a predefined logic that uses the current date to calculate an SLA date, which is a configurable number of working days ahead.

This logic will return a date X number of working days in the future taking into account weekends and public holidays. The number of working days can be entered as static value or taken from a form question or logic.

This logic relies on a public holidays database, which is updated nightly from data source. Three public holiday regions are supported: England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

New Adds Google Analytics to the XFP Control Centre pages for usage tracking and analysis.

Update Improves Event booking configurations by setting the event expiry in minutes instead of days.

Existing event booking configurations currently set in days will be converted to minutes automatically when the patch is applied.

Update Updates 'Delete Booking' and 'Move Booking' rule templates to allow input from hidden field and form logics.

The 'Delete Booking' and 'Move Booking' rule templates previously only allowed inputs from the 'Existing event booking' integrated component. You can now use hidden questions and form logics to map the booking you want to delete or move in the template. This allows form designers to pass the event ID from CXM into the form via URL parameter injection or by using a predefined logic to get the value of the event ID from the case field in CXM.

Update Updates the way available days are displayed on the event booking calendar

Instead of showing 'x available' the calendar will simply display 'available' or 'unavailable'

Update Updates the hidden component so a value doesn't have to be set when adding the component to a page template.

The hidden component previously required a value when it was added to a page template. The value is no longer required. Empty hidden questions should be populated using a prefill.

Update Improves 'Verified Address - ESRI LocatorHub' component to allow it to be prefilled with an address.

The address can be populated by setting up prefills for the postcode and the property. This can be from another question in the form or from the address details saved in the users my account.

Update Updates CXM integration to use Guzzle6 client.

Fix Fixes an issue where the address of a signed in CXM user wouldn't be prefilled in an address lookup question on the front end.

Fix Fixes an issue where the Postcode Area logic would only accept a very limited number of postcodes.

Fix Fixes an issue where the presentation of available slots to book an event was misleading.

The event booking component would show slots as being bookable when they were not. This only affected the presentation of the slot - validation prevented any bookings being taken for slots that were full.

Fix Fixes an issue where CXM attach file template mappings are not imported correctly.

Where a form had the "Attach file" CXM template configured, after exporting and importing the form the mappings in the template were not set and needed to be edited manually.

Fix Fixes an issue where branching rules were not saved correctly when the rule was based on a secondary value.

Secondary values are typically values that come from integrated components (specifically address lookups), 'I cannot find my property' is an example of a secondary value.

Fix Fixes an issue where health check wouldn't run correctly if the form had a conditional logic configured.

Fix Fixes an issue where importing a form containing a conditional logic referencing another conditional logic would fail.

Conditional logics can be configured in such a way that they use the outcome of another separate conditional logic. When configured like this, an exported form would fail to import.

Fix Fixes an issue where the scheduled task to remove an expired reserved event did not remove the event correctly.

Please note: If there are a large number of expired reserved events residing in the system these events will be cleared down on the first run of the scheduled tasks after deployment of the patch. This task will take longer to run than normal whilst the backlog of events are removed.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when using the Postcode Are logic, spaces in postcodes could result in the wrong area being returned.


This release contains both XFP #103 (5.15.0) and the corresponding Continuum CMS 19.0.4 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 5.15.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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