Continuum XFP #94

Bug fixes and accessibility improvements

This release:

New Adds a check to ensure that a PayBridge order hasn't been changed before redirecting to the payment provider.

In browsers where Javascript is enabled, this check mitigates problems caused by customers opening the payment review page in multiple browser tabs or changing answers to a form in another tab prior to making a payment.

Update Updates CXM actions, such as 'Create Case', to transform answers into suitable formats for CXM's date, datetime, address and choice field types.

Update Updates XFP's control centre pages to prevent the need to clear browser cache after applying a patch.

Fix Fixes an issue where customers using ESRI LocatorHub for Postcode Lookups could not use the 'Bartec Bins at Property' integrated component.

This integrated component requires a postcode lookup question as an input. If an ESRI LocatorHub postcode lookup was used as an input, the component would always return no bin records.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when filling in a form, changing the selected payment method resulted in confusing messages being shown.

Users were incorrectly asked if they wanted to discard their existing order.

Fix Fixes a HTML validation issue on the user form archive page.

Fix Fixes a HTML validation issue on the payment review page.

Fix Fixes HTML validation and accessibility issues with repeatable questions on the review page of forms.

Fix Fixes an issue where notices were output in the PHP error log when submitting a form with chained actions.

Fix Fixes an issue where, on some installs, the account name displayed in the Office 365 Integrations page was displayed as unreadable text.

In such circumstances, the account should removed and re-added after applying the patch.

Fix Fixes an issue where, when setting up an action template, it was not possible to apply a text style in CKEditor.

Fix Fixes an issue where users would see a fatal error when trying to set up a Direct Debit with First Capital.

This issue was introduced in Continuum XFP #87.

Fix Fixes an issue where it was not possible to fill in a form from an IPV6 address.

For legacy forms, this release:

Fix Fixes an issue where, if a form was configured to send action failure notifications, successful submissions to CXM incorrectly triggered a notification email.

Front-end Changes

For PayBridge customers, this release requires a change to the front-end scripts documented in this change document.


This release contains both Continuum #94 (5.9.0) and the corresponding Continuum CMS 18.6.3 in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 5.9.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now

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