Further information on standards

Below are references to some of the British Standards which are utilized within the software.

Validation Routines

BS7666 - PAON

The Primary Addressable Object Name (PAON) is the designated premise number, and/or the premise name, where neither of these exist then the PAON is the name of the organisation in occupation, or a description of the addressable object.


BS7666 - SAON

The Secondary Addressable Object Name (SAON) is the number, name or description used to identify the secondary addressable object within or related to a primary addressable object.


BS7666 - UPRN

A Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) identifier for each land and property unit.


BS7666 - USRN

A Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) identifier for each street.


UK Postcode


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