Form structures

Exporting form structure

To export a form on a 1.12 platform or above, you can click the Actions button and choose Download from the list of available actions.

The Form Export interface in Jadu platform 1.12 and above

Importing form structure

To import an XForm, navigate to the Import XForm page and Browse for a previously exported XForm file from your local machine. The file should be a TAR archive (and therefore have a .tar file extension) that was previously exported from an XFP installation.

Importing an exported Jadu XForm file

Once the form has been successfully imported you will be able to administrate it just like any other form within your system.

Form import successful report

Note: The imported form will be made not live automatically upon import in order to provide you with the opportunity to review the form prior to making it available from your system. Click the Administrate the imported form here link to undertake any required configurations for your imported form, or click Import another form to import a second form.

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