Completing the process

When a form submission is in the In Progress state, the Process Received Form area will include new options for the completion of the form’s workflow, including Approve and Complete, Decline and Complete, and Terminate.

Completing a form submission

  • You can still add Comments into the space provided before completing the form's progress. These comments will not be seen by a visitor but act as a reference for administrators when viewing the form submission at a later date.
  • Select Approve and Complete if the form is to be approved. This will open a window in order that you can (optionally) contact the individual who submitted the form with your decision.
  • Select Decline and Complete if the form is to be declined. This will open a window in order that you can (optionally) contact the individual who submitted the form with your decision.
  • Select Terminate if the form is not an authentic submission (e.g.,

Form approval response

  • The customer's email address (supplied when requesting a receipt or through being logged in at the time of form completion) is displayed along with the Subject of the email to be sent. The subject is made up from the form's Title and the Web Reference number.
  • The message may be prefilled, based upon any generic candidate email replies created within the Actions interface of the particular form. If generic replies have been set up, you can amend or append the relevant messages if required. If no generic replies have been set up, the message area will appear blank. Further information on setting up generic email replies is included in the Generic processing replies section of the Actions chapter.
  • Click Approve and Send to complete the form's progress and send an email to the individual who submitted the form. The form's Status will now change to Completed - Approved.
  • There may be an instance where you wish to approve and complete the form, but not send the customer an email. For example, they may have requested a phone call instead of email notification. If this is the case, click the Approve Only button. The form's status will change to Completed - Approved, but no corresponding email communication will be sent to the individual who submitted the form.

Form declined response

  • If the form has been declined, select the Decline and Complete option. This will open a window similar to that shown above with the exception that you will have options to Decline and Send or Decline Only. When either of these options are selected, the form's Status will change to Completed - Declined.

When a form has been put through workflow (approved or declined), the form processing area within the Control Center will display any Comments assigned during processing (which can no longer be changed), along with an option to View Email Log, which will display any email communications that have been sent through Jadu XFP during processing to the individual who submitted the form. Any email attachments will display as links for you to download the file if necessary.

Viewing an email log within the form processing area

Note: A website user who is registered and signed into their account can ordinarily track the progress/status for any of their form submissions through their account homepage.

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