
Continuum #9

New Updated database empty for new LAMP installs to prevent the need for migrations post install and fixed a permission issue with microsite tools.

New Councillor telephone number field can now store more characters.

Fix Reduced number of characters required before searching for a matching LDAP username, to add support for two and three character usernames.

Fix Front end directory category view is now paginated showing 500 items per page for both main site and galaxies sites.

Fix Prevented "-" in search term from excluding all results if its followed by a space in Universe search.

Fix Resolved issue with download passwords. Changing password should prompt re-authentication.

Fix Fixed issue on category pages. Errors are no longer shown while the category list is publishing.

Fix Fixed issue in Administrator search. Administrator search now returns results where they exist.

Fix Re-instated category ID in directory category details, as this had been reverted in a previous release.

Fix Fixed issue in Jadu search. Non-live downloads will no longer be returned in search results.

Fix Fixed issue with document passwords. Changing password should prompt re-authentication.

Update Removed legacy code, as its no longer maintained.

Security Fixed various security issues

Semantic version:

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