
Continuum #105

Release notes

New Added MyJadu API to galaxies sites.

Fix Enhanced the way of handling galaxies when there are multiple shortcut URL to access it.

Fix Fixed a problem with Downloads link generation for URL-based downloads.

Fix Fixed the custom widgets drag and drop in homepage designer page, when the widget frontend code includes a row CSS class.

Fix Improved the performance of the frontend CXM user when using XFP pages.

Fix Improved the performance of Document pages within the Control Center.

Fix Fixed View Live link in homepage designer to use https when SSL is enabled.

Fix Fixed a case where Advert URLs in Photon widgets would be broken.

Fix Fixed the URL encoding on the 'track changes' link within document pages.

Fix Fixed settings panel not loading after changing the theme of galaxies sites [Photon installs only].

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Semantic version: 19.1.0

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