
Continuum #117

This Release:

Fix Fixes an issue where PHP notices were thrown when Emails were sent from the Control Centre.

Fix Fixes the saving of Document access level change occasionally not updating.

Fix Fixes IIS configuration to ensure MyJaduAPI, Blogs and Galaxies sites work as expected.

Fix Fixes an issue where non-default Galaxies site Urls would result in incorrect styling.

Fix Ensures Photon themes work on Galaxies sites with domains.

Fix Fixes an issue with deleted events being listed in the frontend.

Fix Fixes an issue where fetching a version of content containing a broken serialised object would result in an infinite loop.

Update Updates the encoding strategy when importing directories from HTML to UTF-8. This includes a migration to ensure all previously imported data is uniformly encoded.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 19.4.8

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