
Continuum #80

17.8.0 - Moved Google maps integration values to the integration hub.

Release notes


New Google maps integration values have now been moved to the integration hub. API keys can now be specified for both the Google Web Service and API service where required.

Fix Fixed an issue where cache files were generated with incorrect ownership after running the fix queues cli command.

Fix User export from list filters is now a scheduled task to avoid timeout while generating large set of user records.

Fix The CXM user adapter now redirects organisation users to the organisation account page instead of default account page when they register via a CXM invite link.

Fix MyAccount API Links widget no longer includes a link to 'View API key' page. The API key is shown instead.

Fix Multimedia upload option is no longer made available in the Blog document editor user interface.

Fix The URL for the first page of a document is no longer suffixed with the page number.

Fix Accessibility improvements to assign category lightbox.

Security Various security improvements.

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Semantic version: 17.8.0

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