
Google CSE Json search adapter

New search adapter using the Google Custom Search Engine Json API

We are pleased to announce that we are releasing a Jadu CMS adapter using Google's JSON API.

The new adapter is only for Google custom search engine (Google CSE). The adapter will be in addition to those already released.  The results for a search term are identical to the existing adapter, aside from the presence of third party adverts.

Just to reassure you, key search optimisation features of Google CSE are retained in the new adapter. To use the new adapter, you will need to enter your search engine ID, and JSON API key in the Google CSE integration page.

Once the integration details have been saved, you can enable the adapter by changing the "SEARCH_ADAPTER" configuration value to "\Jadu\Service\Search\Adapter\GoogleCustomSearchJson"

JSON/Atom Custom Search API provides 100 search queries per day for free. If you need more, you may sign up for billing in the API Console. Additional requests cost $5 per 1000 queries, up to 10k queries per day.

This functionality has been provided in a recent Continuum CMS release - Continuum #67. As always, there’s no addition charge, other than professional services where needed to style the template.

Please note - it is also possible as a temporary measure to fall back to the standard Jadu search by turning off RUPA in the Jadu CMS Control Center.