
Continuum #110

Release notes

New BETA FEATURE - Added Menu Manager into the Beta Program.

Menu Manager aims to builds upon Jadu's existing category and content structure to provide sites with highly customisable side navigation.

test This first pre-release iteration of Menu Manager focuses on the Control Center functionality, providing a user interface for managing menu items. This release includes the following functionality:

  • Import your existing category structure and document items.
  • Add new menu items for categories, documents and external links
  • Edit existing menu items (alter the title, and link for external links).
  • Delete menu items.
  • Reorder menu items.

To enable Menu Manager, you'll need to opt into our Beta program, available under "Utilities >> Site Settings". Once enabled, and page access granted, the Menu Manager will be accessible in "Utilities >> Menu Manager".

New Added 'refine by categories' option to Cludo search.

NewAdded support for unique searches analytics for Cludo search.

Fix Fixed an issue where the Control Center date picker was not working in IE.

Fix Fixed the Symfony-powered control centre pages to redirect to the update password page upon password expiry.

Fix Adding a missing `Refine` list for Asset Manager Admin privileges in WISP environments.

Fix Fixed the content schedule report to show the content owner name.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 19.4.0

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