
Continuum #14

New Ability to create secure constants within Jadu.

New New admin actions are now included in document history and admin statistics reports. Workflow actions such as sending content for approval, approving changes to content and rejecting changes to content are now logged. Actions making content live/not-live or visible/not-visible are also logged.

Fix Bug fixed where cacheBash was unable to delete invalidated cache files.

Fix Bug fixed where notices were potentially thrown if the encryption key wasn't set within config.

Fix Bug fixed where order of categories was potentially ignored.

Fix Fixed issue where register preferences table could be missed from MSSQL installation.

Fix Fixed a potential bug with WebDav where server software wasn't set to either Apache or IIS.

Fix Fixed various php notices being thrown by database drivers on WISP servers.

Fix Fixed an issue where using '-' in a database name during WISP installations would cause it to fail.

Security Fixed various security issues

Semantic version:

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