
Continuum #92

Release notes

Fix Improved performance and memory utilization of 'Content not modified in period' and 'Content modified in period' reports.

Fix Fixed a problem accessing galaxies sites with custom domain and default URL after adding a friendly URL.

Fix Fixed the non-photon galaxies sites URLs when hyphen is used as a word separator.

Fix Fixed friendly URL validation when slugs are disabled.

Fix Added MailChimp integration to CXM users of the CMS.

Fix Added directories to old galaxies and fixed a database migration that broke for galaxies missing the directories module.

Fix Fixed a database migration file that broke on installations with a database name containing hyphens.

Fix Fixed a problem accessing Control Centre on Photon Galaxies with XFP 5.4.2 when the galaxies short URL contains a hyphen [Photon installs only].

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 18.3.1

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