
Continuum #24

A brand new user interface, responsive navigation

New in this release


Updated UI and responsive interface
We're happy to release our completely redesigned and rebuilt navigation based on Pulsar UI framework. This is a big step towards our efforts in making Jadu responsive on mobile devices, and unifies the interfaces across all our products.

Release notes

New Completely redesigned and rebuilt navigation based on Pulsar UI framework. This is a big step towards our efforts in making Jadu responsive on mobile devices.

New Galaxy sites groups can now be marked as groups of translated content.

New User email addresses are now stored in a more secure format.

New Values in Jadu_Container_Mail can now be updated and accessed by custom classes that extend this class.

Fix Content in a code snippet is no longer accessed or altered by the spellchecker.

Fix popCSS method no longer returns duplicate CSS links.

Fix Password reset functionality on galaxy sites now works consistently with the main site.

Fix Text in blog posts can now be aligned left, right and center.

Fix "Find and replace" and "text justification" are now available in CKEditor document editor.

Fix JaduAutoload updated to improve autoloading of code within XForms Pro module.

Fix Fixed an issue that was causing the XFP control centre to fatal error when visited.

Fix Compatibility changes to support for new modules.

Fix The base url of galaxies sites directory pages is now correctly set when the page is viewed on HTTPS protocol.

Fix Fixed an issue with the Events listing page in the control centre where changing page when viewing all events filtered by a category would result in only your events being show.

Update Removed Print functionality from the document editors within the control centre.

Update A new menu option, 'Translations', has been added to the Utilities menu. This option will list a site's translated content.

Update Added the initSession method to the Jadu Service User Adapter Interface.

Breaking changes

  • XFP customers should upgrade to XFP #19 before applying this patch.
  • The method initSession has been added to the Jadu Service User Adapter Interface, and must now be defined in any custom user adapters.


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