
Continuum #63

16.9.0 - Additional JavaScript field added, new event triggers added to Directory Builder.

Release notes

New Website analytics integration now supports adding javascript to page headers. (Requires template changes)

New Added new event triggers for save and delete actions on directory fields.

Fix Unavailable events now return a correct 404 HTTP response.

Fix Deleting a category no longer times out on a Windows system.

Fix Alerts in Control Center search interface now use the Pulsar User Interface library.

Fix Locale management interface now uses the Pulsar User Interface library.

Fix Permission error message is no longer shown after creating a new event.

Fix Site search widget in Galaxies sites now uses the new search service.

Fix News article images are now shown correctly on Galaxies sites using the default template.

Fix Jadu search adapter is now backward compatible with legacy search fields.

Fix Google API key warning is no longer shown in JavaScript console when loading a map on a directory record page.

Fix Fixed an issue where Galaxies site creation was failing due to friendly URL validation.

Fix Fixed an issue in calculation of next occurrence of the event, when the event interval is set as 'same day every month'.

Fix Improved the efficiency of creating new Version objects to prevent memory exhaustion.

Fix Unapproved content in downloads now does not stop rendering the category downloads page on a Galaxies site.

Update Updated user manual to remove retired content types.

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Semantic version: 16.9.0