
Continuum #44

v13.11.0 - New migration tools for location, terms and disclaimer and contact pages.

Release notes

New Migration assistants have been added for Location page, Terms and disclaimer, Contact page and External links.

Fix Added session regeneration after invalidation.

Fix The actions menu on the galaxies homepage designer is now disabled when no available options are present.

Fix Homepage rows are now removed with a single click in IE11, rather than a double click.

Fix Added a command to fix scheduled tasks that stuck in the past.

Fix Invalid postcodes no longer lead to all records being returned in getAllLPIsForPostCode.

Fix Empty notifications are no longer created when the site can not access Jadu.net.

Fix Fixed broken link to user's record when viewing list of user submitted directory records.

Fix The icon used for custom modules is now consistent on all pages.

Fix Toolbar dropdown menus no longer hide content on small screens.

Fix When more than 10 galaxies are shown in the site switcher, it no longer closes prematurely when you try to choose a site.

Fix Add missing Pulsar wrappers to old/repainted layouts.

Fix Fix masterswitch UIs with Pulsar update.

Fix Fix button positions where certain UI elements were too close together.

Fix Update event location datatable to use new 'unchecked' icon name in FontAwesome4.

Update Add new suites and refactored existing automated test scenarios under publishing, marketing, egov, dashboard and xforms.  

Update Viewing a friendly URL live now opens in a new window.

Update Update Pulsar version to include support for FontAwesome 4.


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Semantic version: 13.11.0