
Continuum #62

16.8.1 - Better use of labels through out the Control Center

Release notes

Fix Fixed an issue where the rescheduler  task was considering the scheduled tasks from Galaxies site marked for deletion.

Fix Pagination of filtered news articles now works as expected in the news list page.

Fix Links to retired modules are now removed from the Galaxies site map page.

Fix Fixed an issue with jumping loading spinner element on Universe search.

Fix Google maps in directories are now rendered without warnings in the javascript console.

Fix Fixed button alignment issues in event details and image library lightbox.

Fix Deleting a user now clears down the associated API keys irrespective of request status.

Fix Removed references to IPSV categories in blog settings page.

Fix Restructured button layouts in navigation widgets user interface.

Fix Fixed button alignment issues in navigation and contact page supplements.

Fix Used consistent delete modals in all pages using Pulsar user interface library.

Fix Added labels to all form variables across Control Center for better accessibility.

Update Added automated tests for two factor authentication using gauth plugin.


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Semantic version: 16.8.1