
Continuum #22

Multiple bug fixes, performance improvements, changed index redirect type

Release notes

Fix Fixed issue when using Google Site Search. Spelling suggestions no longer include the default collection as a suggestion.

Fix The date a user registered is no longer updated when a user resets their password.

Fix .htaccess file no longer becomes unavailable on a clustered window environment after publishing new friendly URLs.

Fix The "Documents" widget now correctly handles multiple categories being assigned to the widget.

Fix Galaxy sites registration scripts now redirect correctly to HTTPS when a custom domain is used.

Fix Announcement offline event is now fired correctly.

Fix Workflow designer is now fully functional with the updated user interface in Firefox browser.

Fix Can now successfully save a directory record immediately after deleting a record from the list.

Fix Fixed an issue logging admin actions. The cache is now cleared after  translation actions have been logged on a galaxies site.

Fix Updated the description thats logged when a translation task is completed.

Fix CKEditor icons now correctly added when patching from and up.

Fix Closing a flash message no longer hides page content when setting up two factor authentication.

Fix "Suggest password" functionality is now disabled where a custom password validation pattern is in use.

Fix Datamapper update method now return true consistently when data has been sucessfully saved.

Fix The function isUserRegistered() now returns appropriate values for all fields.

Update Fixed a performance issue in getXMostRecentlyCreatedDownloadFiles() function when the approvedOnly parameter was true.

Update Can now use the document editor within custom supplement interfaces.

Update Results from address look ups are now ordered in a more human friendly way. Results will be returned ordered by house number and street name, rather than by UPRN.

Update Remove old and unused files from the system.

Update Errors sending emails are now logged.

Update Minor improvement to loading of constants.

Update Reverted change to index redirect type following customer feedback.

Update Added further feature take-up measurements.

Update Updated Meteor dependency to v1.0.5.

Security Fixed various security issues


Default template release notes

Fix Fixed warnings in templates that relate to building account urls using the user service adapter.

Update Added a style to highlight today in the events calendar in the default template package.


Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.



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