
Continuum #68

Photon template management library and miscellaneous bug fixes

Release notes

New Added support for new Photon template management library.

Fix Password modified date is now set appropriately on password reset.

Fix Fixed an issue where schedule content report used to fail when XFP is installed.

Fix Fixed an issue with pagination in events pending list page.

Fix Items per page setting is now retained when navigating using pagination links in downloads and events pages.

Fix FORMAT_DATE_INPUT configuration value is no longer defined as d/m/y in all cases, value is now taken from configuration file.

Fix Fixed an issue where top download files were not listed in looking glass reports.

Fix Fixed inconsistent response of the functions getLastNews and getAllNewsByDateLimited.

Fix Backslash no longer causes focus to shift to the search box.

Fix Fixed notices on who's my councillor script.

Fix Fixed notices and warnings in downloads section of control center.

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Semantic version: 16.13.0