
Continuum #88

Release notes

Fix Fixed an issue where admins shown in tracked URLs author list were duplicated.

Fix Admins in the Admin Privileges list page are now sorted alphabetically.

Fix Updated the migration to dynamically assign module ID for Settings module.

Fix Fixed failing multimedia conversion issue on on PHP 5.6/Centos 6/FFMPEG 0.10.16.

Fix Removed CMS branding from registration emails for website users.

Fix Changed the logic which determines whether to include the CXM menu in the nav menu, hence reducing the number of requests to CXM.

Fix Added the ability to search downloads by filename in Universe search.

Fix Fixed the Delete File button action in downloads file list page.

Fix Fixed an issue with file download on protected galaxies.

Fix Changed the icon used in Settings module in the navigation menu.

Fix Fixed an issue with download links on Photon systems.

Fix Fixed an issue where logout from CMS did not kill the CXM session [Photon installs only].

Security Various security improvements.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 18.1.4

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