
Continuum #103

Release notes

Fix Removed metaphone search from getStreetLikeName, where similar sounding street names to that queried were also returned to address high memory usage.

Fix Fixed bug with reordering download files in which excessive download versions would be created.

Fix An alert is displayed when reordering download files after the session has expired, to login again.

Fix Removed an unnecessary attempt to delete the link checker lock file when it does not exist.

Fix Fixed running the link checker when scheduled to run perpetually and the timezone is not UTC.

Fix Fixed adding a snippet that contains iframe in directory category page content.

Fix Fixed directory categories to be displayed properly when searching for directory records.

Fix Fixed the collaborators list in advanced workflows to scroll if the list is too long.

Fix Stopped loading unnecessary download versions while viewing or reordering download files, for less memory usage.

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Semantic version: 19.0.2

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