
Continuum #61

16.8.0 - Sitemorse integration, link checker and admin category restriction fix.

Release notes

New Added ability to integrate with Sitemorse tool which enables digital governance testing for homepages and documents.

Fix Admin category restrictions are no longer lost by some users when publishing the taxonomy.

Fix Friendly URLs values are no longer taken from the wrong database when re-publishing a Galaxies site.

Fix Link checker no longer fails when there is large amounts of homepage widget setting data.

Fix Password generation link for WebDAV no longer errors.

Fix Search parameter is no longer lost when navigating between pages in the list of downloads and events.

Fix Deleting a Galaxies site no longer triggers an error while attempting to delete mapped translation data.

Fix Improved the label used in report charts when the time period is "last 24 hours".

Update Updated Pulsar dependency to use the latest stable release (6.17.3).

Update Fixed automated tests that fail after UI changes in CMS.

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Semantic version: 16.8.0