
Continuum #74

17.4.0 - Organisation home page for CXM users, UI improvements and bug fixes.

In this release we have added new features for CXM organisation users. These features are applicable for CMS front-end users who authenticate through CXM.

New New users registering through CXM are now redirected to last page visited after completing registration.

New Users with 'Organisation' value set are redirected to organisation account page when there is no referrer during sign in.

New 'Company' field for the user record in cms is now updated with Organisation name from CXM instance.

Apart from this we also made following improvements to Control Center

Update Added icons for admin menu dropdown options.

Update Added secondary actions colour to 'Go' button in list pages.

And few minor bugfixes like

Fix Fixed an issue with ESRI map rendering in the homepage widgets and supplements.

Fix Removed checkboxes from tables in reporting interface.

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Semantic version: 17.4.0