
Continuum #56

16.6.0 - Symfony kernel added to CMS

Release notes

New Added Symfony kernel to CMS.

New Can now register a new action to appear in the action menu, or a new tab to show when viewing a users record

Fix Preset image sizes are no longer limited to just 3 characters.

Fix Reduced the memory usage when calling `getAllHomePageIndependant()`.

Fix "Disable Authenticator" button is now available for users authenticated using LDAP credentials.

Fix Updated JaduMultimediaRSS class to be compatible with PHP 5.6.

Fix Category details user interface now uses the correct colour scheme in IE8.

Update Added automated tests for reset password process.

Update Added styling and JavaScript dependencies for Pulsar FilterBar component.

Update Adopted PSR-1 and PSR-2 code standard through out public_html directory.

Security Minor security improvements.


Default template release notes

Fix Event submission script now uses the correct template to send the confirmation email.

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Semantic version: 16.6.0