
Continuum #36

Minor features and improvements. Office 365 integration management.

Release notes

New JaduSessionHandler service has been added to the service container to prevent duplication. Session expiry time is set to 15 minutes by default and can be adjusted by amending the session_expiry_time element in config/constants.xml.

New Added the ability to set Sender and Reply-Path within email wrapper via constants.

New Added Office 365 integration page.

New Administrator accounts can now be authenticated against a linked CXM account.

Fix Removed ambiguity from events getAllEventsWithinStartEndDates() query.

Fix Event locations now error when admin does not have access to the page.

Fix Friendly URLs can be found using the Control Center search box.

Fix Ability to assign an event location that includes a special characters.

Fix Directory imports are removed from the awaiting import list if the import fails.

Fix Restricted the ability to comment on translations from 'pages' other than the translation task page.

Fix Fixed PHP notices generated when creating new translation mappings.

Fix Image path help text corrected in widget style manager.

Fix Mandatory fields are now highlighted in the CXM integration page.

Fix Dashboard option is only shown to users with appropriate access.

Fix Additional JavaScript and CSS files can now be added to twig interfaces.

Fix Success message is now shown when a bulk email message is deleted.

Fix Broken link removed from search result API response.

Update Improve spacing of breadcrumb navigation/title elements.

Update Convert Anitivirus class files to PSR-4 standard.

Security Minor security improvements.


Request the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 13.4.0