
Continuum #35

Alerts when an item is approved or rejected from workflow and many minor bugfixes.

Release notes

New An email alert is now sent when content submitted to workflow has been approved or rejected.

New Roles can now be created.

Fix Datasets can now be created for a galaxies site that includes large amounts of data.

Fix Image alignment is no longer applied to the parent html tag when inserting an image in CKEditor.

Fix CSS imports are now suppressed to prevent the galaxies site preview breaking.

Fix MyJaduAPI now returns an appropriate error when an invalid news id is requested from the API.

Fix User form API endpoints now correctly handle POST requests.

Fix An error message is now shown if log out fails due to CSRF protections.

Fix Using the category lightbox no longer leads to duplicate hidden inputs appearing in the page source.

Fix The drop down menu for switching between galaxies sites control centers now uses the appropriate control center domain, not the domain of the public site.

Fix Can now create a friendly URL to the main site from a galaxies site with a separate domain name.

Fix Can now create a friendly URL to the main site from a galaxies site with a separate domain name.

Fix getSiteRootURL() how returns the non-secure domain when invoked on a galaxies site.

Fix Duplicate supplements are no longer created for the egov contact supplement.

Fix Fixed a potential vulnerability in the spellchecker.

Fix Deleting an event location no longer triggers an SQL error.

Fix Double clicking the anchor icon no longer opens the image library lightbox.

Fix Script tags not with in a code snippet are now removed from content when save is clicked while in HTML view.

Fix Default file system location used when creating logs is now appropriate for both Windows and Linux systems.

Fix Fixed fatal error when terms and conditions are sent for approval.

Fix Cache can now be cleared from maintenance page when using Redis or Memcache to store cache.

Fix Fixed the site switch dropdown menu on pages using the new Pulsar user interface library.

Fix Page actions log is now correctly stored for management of FAQs

Fix Fixed an issue where incorrect value could appear in external IP address field when updating an administrators privileges.

Fix Fixed an issue where an invalid password could be accepted while enabling two factor authentication.

Fix Fixed the email type of HTML emails when sent via Queue

Update cache_key element has been renamed to secure_key in example xml config files.

Update Meeting and minutes responses from the myJaduAPI now include the time field.

Update Delete option has been added to the locale management page.

Update Enabled caching when rendering templates to reduce risk of memory exhaustion.


Default template release notes

Fix Can now update your user's details when marketing preferences have been set.

Fix API scripts are now compatible with third party authentication providers.

Fix Can no longer submit a directory record with out a valid title.

Fix Default account administration scripts redirect to the appropriate location if defined by third party authentication provider.

Fix Image widget uses the appropriate path for image source when previewed.


Request the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 13.3.0

Tested with Redis version: 2.8.2400